‘It often dawns on me in my daily existence the fragility we face from moment to moment. The idea of living as long as humanly possible seems to consume a good portion of my time these days. What will my children do without me? How will they experience the very surreal moments of knowing someone is here one minute yet gone the next. After the recent death of my own father, this reality haunts me and hovers above me as a constant reminder. Maybe I have nothing left to give but love. As fatalistic as this sounds, we all lose in the end. We walk through life as if we will always be here and as if we are all immortals. How dare the idea of death swoop through to remove us from our almighty thrones. As time passes, it is our memories that take us from one place to the next. They carry us through with laughter or tears and all of which falls in between. They are a way of keeping us close, or maybe separating the good from the bad but it is our memories essentially that help us along or break us down. In thought, they are not romantic nor melancholic but merely the reality that we have chosen to carry while recollecting what happened along this path and why we are who we are. This body of work has brought me closer to my family, even if for fleeting moments. It has removed us from our daily routine and thought process and into another world. It may have only been for a few minutes or for a few hours yet it will remain with me for some time to come. They have allowed me to bring them into my way of thinking. To be themselves but to also relinquish themselves in order to be who I wanted or needed them to be at that moment. In turn, we formed new memories from this time together of which we can now pass onto to those who are close to us. We will continue to follow the circle in our day to day lives while I can only hope to keep clutching at all that is important to me and that it will stay within my grasp’.
Glen Erler

All images © courtesy of Glen Erler