/18 Family

Brigitte Bauer

D’Allemagne + before + after

D’Allemagne is the title of a book that has been published in 2003 by Images en Manoeuvres, Marseille. It was a search of identity in the form of images: photographs that have something to do both with a sense of belonging and distance. I am now living in another culture, so I look at my first country with the eyes of a foreigner but someone who’s familiar with it too. This first body of work is centered around some family pictures, not official ones but everyday’s ordinary situations in a little village of South Bavaria. Recently my mother died, and I went through the last pictures, then I went through old negatives and during this research I found many family pictures never printed, never seen, pictures I took when dropping in to my sister’s families once or twice a year, since 1998 which is the year when I came to France for studying photography. D’Allemagne + before + after is the ongoing project of making a new body of work out of this long term family picture series.

Brigitte Bauer, october 2014
