/21 Crime

Sebastian Palmer



[All images were shot on location in Cracolândia, São Paulo, Brasil]

Over the past 3 years I have been living with and photographing sections of Brazilian society that have been marginalised and discriminated against. It is my aim to create a body of work that raises awareness for vulnerable sections of society; to give them a voice and in doing so hope that measures can be taken to ensure that they live in dignity. The latest chapter of my project focuses on crack-cocaine addicts. I felt that shooting a portrait series of close up, black + white head shots was the best way to humanise my sitters – by minimising any distractions and allowing the viewer to come into direct face to face contact with them. Although this subject matter has had a lot of exposure with Brazil hosting the World Cup, I believe that it has only worsened the situation by further dividing an already fractured society and reinforcing negative views and prejudices. Reportage style images often taken from a far and with no interaction have only helped to strengthen the “us” and “them” mentality. Separate from us. Away from us. Far from us. Nothing to do with us. In order to banish this misconception I needed to get as close to my subjects as possible. To interact. To communicate. To participate. To let you look into their eyes and realise that they too are human beings; that they too are a part of this society in which we all belong. Are we able to look at ourselves in the mirror and face uncomfortable truths?
