In the most recent series Ill Form and Void Full, Letinsky uses photographs to construct her tableaus as well as her previously employed repertoire of objects. Drawing from pictorial sources both high and low, she builds these works with extracted bits reconfigured from Martha Stewart Living, Artforum, Good Housekeeping, Ikea and Roche Bobois catalogues, penny flyers, old work prints and other found images. An amalgam of two and three dimensional objects placed within fields of nuanced tonal shifts, her photographs indicate – and frustrate — our spatial understanding. These photographs further interrogate the genre of still‐life as relates to need
and want as materialized through objects and their image(s). Through Letinsky’s use of space, light, and color, what is familiar is made uncanny in their photographic apprehension.
Laura Letinsky
Ill Form and Void Full

All images © courtesy of Laura Letinsky and Galerie m Bochum, Germany