/21 Crime

Antonio Olmos

he Landscape of Murder

The Landscape of Murder is a photographic series documenting all the sites where murders have occurred in London, United Kingdom between January 1st, 2011 and December 31st, 2012. I have photographed 210 sites where a murder has occurred. All the murders sites photographed were within the M25 Motorway.

My aim is to give memory to what are mostly forgotten events, unseen places, landscapes where great violence has occurred. To provide “Evidence” to that which is mostly silent, private and unseen to the wider public. Most murders that take place rarely make the news and if they do occupy the news for a fleeting time. The Landscape reverts back to normality quickly after the forensic teams have collected their evidence. The project gives memory of the violence that has taken place. The scar is there, sometimes subtle, sometimes very open, whether it’s a single solitary flower or grieving family and friends. Sometimes there is nothing to show that a life has ended violently on the spot. The project has taken me to parts of London I knew little or nothing about. I have documented murders that touch on domestic violence, mental health issues, drugs, gangs and random meaningless violence. In the process of documenting these murder sites the project has created an alternative portrait of London, one shaped by violence and inequality.

The Landscape of Murder is evidence of what we would rather not observe.
