/24 Road

Gerry Johansson


Pontiac, Michigan
Area: 52,3 km²
Elevation: 281 m

Population: 63,977
Households: 27,875
Average family size: 3.32
Black or African American: 31,797
White (Non Hispanic): 22,875
Hispanic or Latino: 8,473
Asian: 1022
American Indian and Alaska Native: 95
Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander: 239

Number of pupils from Kindergarten through 12th grade: 7,689
Pupil/Teacher Ratio: 17
Operating Exp. Per Pupil: $ 13,233

Median Household Income: $ 32,199
Per capita income: $ 16,399
Unemployment 2000 7 %
Unemployment 2010 31%

Total housing units: 29,775
Occupied housing units: 25,060
Owner-occupied housing units: 13,495
Renter-occupied housing units: 11,565
Vacant housing units: 4,715
Median value of owner-occupied housing units: $ 96,900
Families below poverty level: 24.3 %

Demolition means progress, Cities of Promise, MSHDA
