The first day of work is the toughest day, you are in a new place with new people, and have everything to learn. The last day of work can be just as hard, the end of a cycle, the closing of an…
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Mitch Epstein
Family Business
Andrew Emond
Objects of Consequence
Ross Mantle
Retraining Detroit
Pierre Bessard
Wuhan Boiler Company Workers
Taylor Glenn
Far Chang
Gustavo Sanabria
Talat Noi
Isabelle Pateer
Manufacturing Apathy
Paolo Mazzo
Radici Di Ferro
Claudio Bader
57 KM
Jennifer Boomer
Cannery Workers
Marco Zanta
Suspended Loads
David Mozziconacci
Kirk Crippens
Dealership Wreck
Max Rommel
Gino Valle_Sulla soglia della narrazione
Jeff Mermelstein
Florian Van Roekel
How Terry likes his Coffee
Thomas Kneubühler
Richard Rothman
Paul Turounet
Los Vendimiadores – The Grapepickers
Anne Favret & Patrick Manez
Chambre avec vues, 2005-2007
Marco Signorini
Place of Cure
Luca Vecoli
The Care